The Global Language of Business
The Global Language of Business
EComGrid – the Bulgarian certified GDSN data pool
Bulgarian manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers and retailers can share quality product data quickly, easily and securely through a platform built according to international standards. From July 1, 2021 Association JS 1 Bulgaria, in its capacity as a commercial representative, offers the “Product Data Synchronization” service as part of the Global Data Synchronization Network, GDSN.

“We knew nothing about the global data synchronization network. The time we had to start exchanging the data was short and we felt tense, but we received very reliable support. Now I can confidently say that it is much better to start from scratch with the correct data filled in EComGrid instead of the old fashioned and clunky spreadsheets.”

Alexander Vassilev, I.V.R Reisburo Gmbg


GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) is the largest network of certified databases for efficient sharing of product information, both locally and worldwide, incl. necessary data for ordering, warehousing and logistics, and for sales management. As of October 14, 2022, the platform’s users are over 67,900 and the number of registered GTINs/barcodes exceeds 39,345,744 products and is growing daily.

The network covers 53 databases (data pools), of which more than 20 are in Europe. In China, since 2019, the decision is additionally tied to the customs declaration and release of goods for import and export. In GDSN, high-quality product content is entered, maintained, shared and updated automatically, and it is ensured that trading partners have quick access to the most up-to-date and complete information about the products subject to their commercial interest and business relationship.

The adapted database solution for Bulgaria is called EComGrid and is based on the technology of atrify, which is one of the globally established software developers of this type of database. In addition to Germany, this technology is used in Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Australia and New Zealand, and the number of subscribers is almost 1/3 of the total number of GDSN users in the world, namely 20,000 companies that share accurate and reliable product content with their partners in over 50 countries. Leading customers are the most successful traders who strive to maintain their leadership positions in this way or active companies who want to achieve higher competitiveness faster and expand their market share due to easier access to their products.
EComGrid aims to help businesses in Bulgaria meet the increasingly complex requirements for product data from consumers, trading partners and regulatory authorities in the context of increasing digitization. The fees for inclusion in the data pool in Bulgaria are tailored to the differences in the economies. Using the service frees up capacity for companies and increases the quality and accuracy of information.
For more information about EComGrid, free consultations on the principles of operation of the Global Network and the database for Bulgaria, registration options and the tariff, please contact GS1 Bulgaria at and by phone 02/ 8117 439.