Round table: effective product data management
On 02.11.2022, a round table was held on the topic: “EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCT DATA. A global solution for traders…
GS1 in Europe participates in CIRPASS
The foundation is being laid for the implementation of the European digital passport of the product. GS1 in Europe has…
TRACKVAX for tracking vaccines
Ireland’s covid-19 vaccine traceability system is based on GS1 standards. From the general supply to the individual syringe, it is…
A UK government agency will authorize GS1 to issue a UDI
Агенцията за регулиране на лекарства и здравни продукти във Великобритания възнамерява да упълномощи GS1 като организация, издаваща UDI След преходния…